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Mental health: Diversity, equity and inclusivity

In every work- or educational environment focus has been placed on diversity and and inclusivity training. This has become an essential part of our lives as it complies with human acceptance and inclusion grounded in the constitution of South Africa. 

If you are a company, school, municipality or organisation that would like to create an inclusive space for all your employees, consider doing diversity and inclusivity training. 

Office Meeting

Mental health: Corporates

A collaborative approach is adopted for organisational workshops.


Clients highlight their context and needs for a specially tailored workshop delivery. Sessions cover mental health awareness, productivity improvement and sensitivity within the workplace. 


Mental health: Educational institutions 

As a former teacher with 10 years' teaching experience, I know educator exhaustion well. My educators' workshops incorporate 

inspirational team- and resilience building with psycho-educational skills, tailored to address common challenges with boundaries, stress and anxiety.

Extending my mental health services to your students, I offer workshops to the Grade 11-12 student bodies, addressing common school based stressors, self-awareness, and matric- and post-matric readiness. 

Empty School Desks And Chairs

Workshop experience 

  • Organisational staff mental health and wellbeing 

The science of stress and anxiety, triggers, mindfulness, debriefing techniques successful boundaries, relaxation techniques, productivity and sensitivity to others.

  • Educator and school staff training

Understanding pressure, anxiety management, debriefing techniques for student triggers, understanding student mental health, empowering the educator, relaxation techniques, sensitivity training. 

  • Grade 11 and 12 readiness workshops

Grade 11 and 12 students experience high levels of pressure and anxiety from internal and external sources. This is a psycho-educational session that will train them to get through their year while promoting their own mental well-being. This workshop also includes what to expect and how to prepare for life after school.

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